Tips & Tricks

Banking tips
  • Determine in advance how much money you plan to deposit each month. If you receive a raise, increase the amount of money deposited into your savings account.
  • Arrange to have a specific amount transferred to your savings account every pay period. Consider automatic payroll deductions or automatic transfer from checking to savings.
  • Simple things can make a big difference: Packing a lunch instead of buying food on campus or making coffee at home instead of buying it from a shop, can really add up on the long run.
  • There are thousands of options for financial services products. Be selective and get the best prices, services, convenient locations and lowest fees for credit cards, bank accounts, and mortgages.
  • Put your savings in a high-interest savings account, a certificate of deposit or a money market account. For long-term goals, such as saving for your children education, your dream home or even for your retirement, look into bonds, mutual funds, real estate and stocks. Otherwise, inflation will erode the value of your savings.
  • Your banker is always there to support you and inform you about the various types of accounts and interest rates applied at your bank. You just have to ask and we will offer you a package of products and services that would best suit your needs.
  • Make sure your expenses aren't exceeding your income. The best way to do this is by budgeting. A great place to start is simply writing down everything you spend in a week. You’ll quickly see where your money is going and where you can save.
  • Getting a loan from the bank is always based on Credit Rating, i.e. on the borrowing capacity of the client. Having a good Credit rating and Credit History is essential if someday you want to borrow money to invest, to buy things you want, to travel and more importantly to study!
  • No matter how much you owe for educational loans or credit cards and no matter how low your income may seem, it's wise to find some amount - any amount - of money in your budget to save in an emergency fund every month.
  • If you get into the habit of saving money and consider it as a non-negotiable monthly "expense", pretty soon you'll have more than just emergency money saved up: you'll have retirement money, vacation money and even money for a home down payment.
  • Because of the way compound interest works, the sooner you start saving, the less principal you'll have to invest to end up with the amount you need to retire, and the sooner you'll be able to call working an "option" rather than a "necessity".
  • The best way to save is to have an amount automatically transferred out of your salary to an online checking or savings account. It is a painless way to save. What you don't see, is what you won't miss.
  • When you land your first job, you can begin saving for things you might like to buy in the future. Decide what you really want and focus on your most important goals.
  • Subscribe to a health insurance. It’s important to invest in an insurance to cover yourself from the unexpected accidents of life. Starting an insurance plan at an early age will save you a lot of money! The younger you are, the smaller your premiums will be…
  • Anything to do with money often involves lots of paperwork - account statements, contracts, policy documents, terms and conditions and more. If you're tempted to throw away all this paperwork, don’t! Even if you won't read it all straight away, get into the habit of keeping the important paperwork in a special file that's easily accessible. It will come in handy if you have a question or problem about your financial affairs.
  • Protect your passwords, guard your credit card number, shred sensitive paperwork, and don’t leave your mail where it might tempt a potential - thief.
  • You don't have to be rich to save. Anyone with any income can put money aside. Small amounts regularly saved can become large chunks that can pay off your debts and grow bigger when invested.
Manage your money
  • A penny saved is a penny gained: allowances can be a good starting point for saving. Try to save at least 10% of it.
  • Make use of your skills and talents: seek to transmit your know-how to others and give private lessons.
  • Be a proactive student: reach for a part time job (private tutor, hostess, salesperson, assistant) to make extra money and be more independent while gaining experience.
  • Never borrow money: it means you are letting go of your future income and saving becomes very difficult.
  • Be a smart shopper: avoid spending on something which you don’t really need and that you might regret.
  • Open a savings account: it is a good way to avoid making withdrawals for a certain period of time.
  • Set a timetable for your savings and spending: you will understand better your needs and draw a clear budget for every month or week.
  • Make yourself busy: you will have less time to go out and spend money on food and gatherings.
  • Make use of discounts: this way you can buy all you need and save a few.
  • Carry less, spend less: you can't spend money if you don't have it. Little things like that really add up quickly!
Cover letter tips
  • The purpose of the cover letter should be to demonstrate that you meet or exceed the requirements listed in the job description and that you’re interested in the position.
  • Work the layout of your letter. It should be easy to scan the letter, and have a logical progression so that the reviewer can easily find the information you want to highlight. Keep in mind that he has hundreds of letters to read.
  • A cover letter is not a summary of your resume. It’s an introduction of yourself and an argument for why you are the best candidate for their company and the specific position.
  • Address your letter to specific people. Even if you do not know the name of the recipient, you usually can find a contact name on their website. It takes a few seconds, but it will make your letter stand out.
  • Personalize your letter. Templates letters indicate that you are broadcasting your resume to every employer in the area, or that you have not made an effort to personalize your letter to him/her.
  • Avoid a salary history. Even if the position specifically asks for your salary history, providing this information is more likely to cost you the job than not.
Resume writing tips
  • What makes resume writing difficult is identifying what to include, what not to, what to highlight, etc. Organizing information correctly could win you an interview.
  • Determine your objective. You should clearly state what sort of a job you want, and know the kind of skills and experiences needed to do well in that job.
  • The goal of a resume is to obtain an interview. It's a marketing tool to get you in the company and in front of your potential boss.
  • Don’t go into detail about every accomplishment. Be clear and concise, the one and only purpose being to have a potential employer contact you for an interview.
  • Put yourself in the shoes of the resume reader. When looking at the job qualifications required for the position, what would you be looking for in a candidate?
  • Use bullet points with short sentences. Having key phrases listed and bulleted rather than extensive paragraphs will help the reader see the important information and scan the highlights of your CV.
  • Use action words. Keywords like prepared, managed, developed, monitored, and presented will make your resume stand out. Use as well the keywords listed in the job description, and match them to the bullet points in your resume.
  • Use numbers. Percentages, dollar totals, and numbers stand out in the body of a resume.
  • Color your resume. Highlight your strengths and what is most significant to the potential employer.
  • Organize your resume. Determine which bullets most strongly support your job search objective. Put the strong and most relevant points first, this will hook the reader.
Post your CV
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